marți, 25 iunie 2013

love at first sight

Yes, I'm in LOVE. I'm totally in love and I've been thinking at this piece of art since Saturday when I first saw it. Today I went to the mall to buy some food and I was like: don't go to H&M don't go to H&M don't don't don't!!! But I couldn't resist and I went to see my beautiful lover. As I had some money remained from my birthday, I've told myself: you can... allow to buy it. But what to do when I've seen a beautiful dress too? Man, that was so painful! I couldn't choose from those two beauties so... I bought them both. :D This is the purse and a 'lil down's the dress. I've made some silly faces 'cause I couldn't take not even a good photo. :)) So don't judge:D


2 comentarii:

Axi spunea...

Oh, si eu incerc sa evit magazinele de haine pentru ca stiu ca o sa vad ceva ce o sa-mi placa si o sa stau cu gandul la acel lucru toata ziua. T_T La naiba cu hainele astea geniale. :-l

MikuMyuuki spunea...

:)) asta e placerea mea vinovata; asta si mancarea de la kfc in fata tvului:X

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