duminică, 11 august 2013

have a nice shit, if you can!

I'm terrified. I'm terrified. I'm fucked up.
I can't find an appartment which suits to my parents requests (money). I'm fucked up 'cuz I don't want to stay at... fuck it! I don't even know how it's called that place for students. [cămin] I'm terrified because I want a big room only for me. Only for me. Me. Me. Me. I think I'm gonna die if I'm not gonna be employed soon. I'm gonna die even before to go to the seaside, and that's a total mess.
I don't want to stay at that-stupid-place-for-students because it has no bathroom. I'm not gonna share a bathroom with other 100 persons. Not even with 3 more. I want my bathroom, just like I have now.
I may seem idiot, but I'm also desperate. There are 4 hours since I look for an appartament [even with one room] and I can't find smtn good.
Maybe I'm gonna stay at my sis. I rather stay with kids than not having a bathroom.
Whaaa, what a shit!


2 comentarii:

Ramona spunea...

Respira! Eu zic sa iti ocupi locul la camin (intereseaza-te ce tre' sa faci in scopul asta) si daca nu iti place te iau la mine...dar sa stie ai tai ca stai la camin...si gen 4-5 zile pe saptamana dormi la mine, bine merci :)) te primesc si in baia mea pe care o impart cu mama :)) te mai duci si pe la sor'ta, vezi tu in momentul ala ce faci, nu te panica de acum.

MikuMyuuki spunea...

Oh, la asta nu m-am gandit. :X Da, suna perfect asa:X

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